Sonntag, 1. November 2009
Der Weg zur Perfektion ist lang und beschwerlich.


Das Gute, wenn man Arbeit hat.
Und nicht dauernd Jobsearch betreiben muss?!

Man hat wieder ganz viel Zeit für Kwatsch.

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answers from the great beyond
In all this talk of time talk is fine
But I don't want to stay around
Why can't we pantomime, just close our eyes
And sleep sweet dreams
Me and you with wings on our feet

I want the hummingbirds, the dancing bears
Sweetest dreams of you
I look into the stars
I look into the moon

I'm pushing an elephant up the stairs
I'm tossing up punch lines that were never there
Over my shoulder a piano falls
Crashing to the ground

~ REM Cover by The Fray ~

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