aus Along came Polly

Reuben zu Polly:

Since we've been together,
I've felt more uncomfortable,
out of place, embarrassed...
and just physically sick
than I have in my entire life.

But I couldn't have
gone through all that...
I couldn't have thrown up
times in days...
if I wasn't in love with you.

Kann das nicht auch mal jemand zu mir sagen? Hmpf.


jammernich, Montag, 21. April 2008, 14:25
Sie haben also das Gleiche geschaut gestern }:-)

frl.deville, Montag, 21. April 2008, 14:26
Das personifizierte Chaos. Ja.
Ich brauche dringend 1 Frettchen Schlüsselfinder.